Kick-off Partnership Meeting
Prof. Mario Santos Moreira, President of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Régis Bordet, President of the University of Lille, France,
Prof. Xavier Nassif, General Director of the Institut Pasteur de Lille, France,
are pleased to invite you to the kick-off partnership meeting July 5, 2023 From 2 to 5 pm (for France) / From 9 to 12 am (for Brazil)
2pm / 9am: Welcome Didier Gosset, Advisor to the President, University of Lille
Opening remarks
- Regis Bordet, President, University of Lille
- Xavier Nassif, General Director, Institut Pasteur de Lille
- Wilson Savino, Special Advisor to the President for cooperation with France, Fiocruz
Keynotes speakers
2:25pm / 9:25am Topic 1: Infectious diseases
Moderator: Olivier Robineau
- Manoel Barral Netto, former Vice-President of Education, Fiocruz-Bahia
- Éric Senneville, professor, Head of infectious disease, Tourcoing, University of Lille
- Jean Dubuisson, Director of the research unit CIIL, Institut Pasteur de Lille
3:15pm / 10:15am Topic 2: Inequalities in Health and Health Systems
Moderator: Eduardo Melo
Luciana Dias de Lima, Vice-Director of Research and Innovation, National School of Public Health, ENSP/Fiocruz,
Thomas Morgenroth, Vice-Dean, Head of “Health, Vulnerability and Territories” research program, University of Lille
4:10pm / 11:10am Topic 3: Innovation in health
Moderator: Nathalie Mielcarek
Patricia Veras, former Vice-Director of Education, Fiocruz-Bahia
- Marcos Costa, Institut Pasteur de Lille
4:40pm / 11:40am Closing remarks
- Cristina Guilam, Dean of Education, Fiocruz
- Nathalie Mielcarek, Director for International relations, Institut Pasteur de Lille
- Didier Gosset, Advisor to the President, University of Lille
With the support of the French Embassy in Brazil